Congolese Pastors Receive Biblical Training
Pastor Serge Uyernimungu had already been a pastor for several years, yet had received no outside training in how to do the work of ministry. He then heard of a Biblical training programme offered through Samaritan’s Purse. To attend, he would not need to leave his home and travel long distances. The training would come to him.
The programme is called the Portable Bible School. Samaritan’s Purse provides Pastor Serge and others with a seminary-level education without requiring them to leave their community. Otherwise the training might take years and hundreds of miles of travel—costs beyond what their families or churches could bear.
“I received the calling from God through church leaders,” he said. “But we did not receive training for this ministry. When I heard about the Samaritan’s Purse Portable Bible School project, I was happy because I was called and already pastoring.”
In Democratic Republic of the Congo, where many pastors serve in remote areas hundreds of miles from a major city, it is difficult to acquire the kind of pastoral and Biblical training critical for this work. That’s why Samaritan’s Purse comes to them. We provide these pastors and church leaders with all the materials they need, including notebooks/workbooks, Christian literature translated into French and local dialects, and even uniforms and meals. Having a Bible in a common dialect can be likened to discovering buried treasure in such a context—tough to come by and highly priced.
The pastors learn about Biblical interpretation, preaching, cultural application, and more. They can do this all while nurturing their own spiritual growth and relationship with Jesus Christ right at home. It seems too good to be true. Some leaders thought there was a catch.
“We couldn’t believe the training from Samaritan’s Purse was for free,” said Pastor Alfred Animbwe, another student in the three-month programme. “Whether it’s documents, food, or uniforms, we received everything without paying a single franc.”
Guarding Hearts and Minds Through Robust, Real-Life Training
Pastor Alfred says the training was a gift for him and future generations of pastors and believers. He has seen how easily his own people can blend the Gospel with traditional religious practises and other belief systems endemic in sub-Saharan Africa. Training to overcome this issue is exactly what Pastor Serge and many others received over the course of several weeks.
They learnt all the basics–the 66 books of the Bible, the genres, the history surrounding each book, and a robust Biblical and practical theology to provide greater discernment in ministering within their communities and cultures.
“This training is very important for me because I’ve learnt a lot about the Word of God, knowing how to distinguish between the Old Testament and the New Testament, and how to subdivide it,” Pastor Alfred said. “The Portable Bible School is needed here in Ndingba because many pastors preach without training, leading to heresies. If this training continues, it will help many become children and servants of God.”
What the church leaders are learning stretches beyond the pulpit and into every area of life. The teaching has encouraged new practical ways of thinking and living. Serge, Alfred, and the others took inventory of their daily lives–from marriage, family, and finances to emotional well-being and how to plan for the future. Reflecting on daily life from a Biblical perspective will help them strengthen themselves and their families for the many years of ministry challenges that they will face.
Pastor Alfred says he’s excited to continue his service with confidence in God’s Word as he puts into practise what he’s learnt through the training.
“In my community and church, I will teach others without fear and preach the Good News, knowing what I preach is true,” he said.
Taking the Good News Home
Rebecca Kabagenyi, a coordinator for the Samaritan’s Purse programme, said the Portable Bible School focuses on training leaders to pastor, to evangelise, and to equip others. Of course, they too grow spiritually in the process.
“We are equipping them to be ambassadors for Christ in the community. We organise Portable Bible Schools wherever needs are present. This year, in Kasenyi and Tchomia, we are training 114 students, including 37 women and 77 men,” she said. “From this teaching, the servants of God have developed growth plans for themselves, their families, the churches they lead, and their communities.”
Workers for the Harvest Field
Since the beginning of the robust Biblical bootcamp in 2013, Samaritan’s Purse Congo has trained 1,250 students to preach, teach, and proclaim the Word of God. Pastor Etienne Ngadu, director of the programme and an instructor, says he’s grateful to God for the fruit over the last 11 years, but many more leaders are needed.
“Churches are asking us to train future leaders and evangelists,” he said. “We’ve trained students who now lead churches, chapels, and ministries. Some have continued with theological training and become reverends in their churches.”
It can be spiritually and financially crippling to churches, communities, and church leader families when students have to leave for several weeks to study. But many churches and communities are debilitated without well-trained leaders serving them.
“This is why we go to them,” Pastor Etienne said, referring to John 4:35. “This is what we are doing. The field is white for harvest, but the reapers aren’t there. This is why we have developed this program–to equip servants of God and future servants of God.”
Please pray for the Portable Bible School in the Democratic Republic of the Congo that God would equip many more leaders to be faithful to God’s Word in preaching, life, and practise.
Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. –2 Timothy 2:15-19