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Children wave bunnies donated as gifts in kind

Gifts In Kind Opportunities

We use donated items from organisations and businesses as filler items and to replace items that may harm a child or damage the shoebox. Most in kind donations we receive are end of line or overrun items that companies cannot sell, but would make great gifts for children in need around the world.

It’s Easy to Give Back Through In-Kind Donations

You can donate gifts at any time during the year. You can also donate services such as transportation during the autumn months. 400,000+ shoeboxes are collected from nearly a thousand Drop-off Locations, and we have to move those shoeboxes to our processing centres to be sorted and shipped.

Needed Donation Items

The list below includes more suggestions for items and services you can donate...

Contact Us about Gifts in Kind

Complete the form below or call 07719551310

I am interested in donating:
School Supplies
Non-liquid Hygiene Items
Quality Crafts
Clothing & Accessories