Connect Volunteer Teams

Our Connect Volunteers work together in local teams to enthuse and equip churches and groups in their communities to take part in Operation Christmas Child by packing shoebox gifts. They also encourage local Christians to partner with us in prayer, to reach out in mission to their friends and local communities, and to sponsor The Greatest Journey; the exciting Bible discovery course offered to children who receive shoeboxes.
Join a Connect Volunteer Team to use your God-given gifting and interest in one of the following areas. As you inspire others in the UK to get involved, more children around the world will experience God’s love through a simple shoebox gift and get to discover, follow and share Jesus.

Gillian runs a clothing retail chain with her husband, and has a passionate heart for children hearing the Gospel.
Watch her video story to hear what has encouraged her most in volunteering with Operation Christmas Child, and how she balances the role with running her own business.

Twelve years ago Adam picked up a leaflet for Operation Christmas Child at work. After packing two shoeboxes that year, he knew that for him this was the beginning of something much bigger.
His roles now include that of inventor, father, engineer, – AND a volunteer who represents Operation Christmas Child within his community.

Where Roy and Maggs are most at home is on their beautiful narrow boat, enjoying the relaxing sounds of nature on a peaceful tree-lined river. During the months of November into December though, you’ll more often find them in the Operation Christmas Child processing centre for Wales, surrounded by a hive of festive activity.

Steve is a teaching chef at a further education college, and was once profoundly impacted by a film about changing the world through simple acts of helping others.
Watch his video story to hear how he responds to this through his year-round volunteering for Operation Christmas Child, and how it fits around his day to day life.

Amanda is a home maker who has seen the power of prayer in her own life.
Watch and hear how she extends this to lead others in regular prayer for the work and needs of Operation Christmas Child.

Pat, a Media volunteer from Bristol, was introduced to Operation Christmas Child many years ago and, on recognising it as an opportunity to “speak the truth and get the message right out there”, didn’t take long to make the decision to become actively involved as a year-round volunteer.
Connect Volunteer Interest Form
You can also find out more about other volunteer roles below: