The Greatest Journey

After receiving a shoebox gift, children have the opportunity to enrol in The Greatest Journey — 12 fun and interactive Bible lessons where they get the opportunity to discover who Jesus is and how to begin their own journey of faith.
Each lesson has a theme and includes a Bible story and fun activities for the children to do together as a class. It might include a game, a drama, a song, artwork, or some puzzles. Each week the children also learn a memory verse. At the end of the course they experience a special celebration event and receive a certificate and a Bible with the New Testament and selected Old Testament stories in their own language.
You can start a child’s Journey of faith today for as little as £5…

Can provide everything one child needs, including a trained teacher, all printed materials and a New Testament Bible.

Can provide five children with a trained teacher, printed course materials and a New Testament Bible.

Can reach a whole class of 15 children with The Greatest Journey.