How to Pack a Shoebox
Each year thousands of people like you generously pack shoebox gifts to bring great joy and the Good News of Jesus Christ to children around the world. Find out all you need to know about how to build your shoebox gift below, or if you are tight for time you can select your gifts online and we’ll pack and send one for you through Build a shoebox Online.
Gift Suggestions
There are so many great items you can pack in a shoebox gift and a few things to avoid. Explore our Gift Suggestions and guidance below:
Please Do Not Include These Items
Toothpaste, sweets, lotions and liquids; used or damaged items; war-related items (e.g. toy guns, model soldiers, military vehicles etc.); seeds, gum, chocolate or food items; religious or political literature; medicines, aerosol cans, knives, sharp or fragile items.
Items packed from this list will be removed from shoeboxes. Read more about this process.
Download Gift Suggestions and FAQ's

Donate & Follow Your Box
Make your project donation online and include a barcode in your shoebox to discover its location.

Considering Getting Others Involved?
Our leaflets, posters, flat-pack shoeboxes, gift suggestion guides and downloadable videos make it easy to share Operations Christmas Child with your friends, family, school, church or group.